Laura - University of Bath, Mathematical Sciences
Date attended Ashmole: 2007- 2014
A Levels: Mathematics, Further Mathematics, Geography and Physics
University: University of Bath
Course: Mathematical Sciences BSc (Hons) and Mathematics MSc
What are you doing now?
I will be starting my PhD in Mathematics at the University of Reading for September 2021.
The project will be looking into data assimilation to forecast ocean currents. Data
assimilation is a new and exciting technique that constantly updates forecasts with current
data. This will be using PDEs which was the topic of my Masters final project. I will be cosupervised by the Met Office and CERFACS in France, allowing me to complete placements
at both institutes.
Before this I completed my undergraduate degree at the University of Bath in Mathematical
Sciences. After I graduated I began working for a small finance company local to home. I
have stayed there since as I worked part time while I completed my Masters in Mathematics,
which I finished in October 2020.
Additionally, I am a mathematics tutor for GCSE students, currently tutoring online due to
COVID. I also volunteer for the NHS at vaccination centres, and provide support over the
phone for vulnerable people.
What did/do you get involved with at university?
During my undergraduate degree at the University of Bath I was awarded a scholarship from
Lloyds Banking Group. Part of the scheme was to complete 100 hours of volunteering each
year. I volunteered at a variety of places. During first year I helped out at many events such
as the Bath Half Marathon. I also joined PhotoSoc and FilmSoc, as I love both photography
and watching movies.
In second year I volunteered every Saturday in the tea shed at Prior Park, a National Trust
park. I also volunteered every Saturday morning at the Bath Cats and Dogs Home. In my
finally year, alongside helping at various events such as BUCS, I volunteered at the No. 1
Royal Crescent museum in the shop. I loved volunteering and giving back to the community.
What did you find most valuable about your experiences at Ashmole Academy? What skills did it help you to develop?
I believe that the teachers that I had at Ashmole helped me get to where I am today. There
were teachers that I will always remember, they were encouraging, supportive, honest and
pushed me to achieve the best results possible.
The support I received whilst making my university application was excellent, the guidance I
had from my dedicated advisor was extremely valuable and made the process less daunting.
I will always remember the opportunities I had at Ashmole, from performing in a band and
at music events to representing the school in Maths challenges, these made my time there
interesting and memorable.
Which Programme/s did you get involved in during 6th Form e.g. MedSoc, Oxbridge? other:
I was part of the Gifted and Talented group in 6th Form. This involved talks from various
people in different areas and additional guidance for applying to university.
I also attended weekly STEP sessions after school with the Maths department. These were
extremely helpful to practice for the STEP exams and allowed me to achieve the grade I need
to get into the University of Bath.
What top tips would you give to other students wishing to follow a similar career to yours?
A Masters is not just another few letters after your name, it is a chance to learn more about
your subject. If you love learning and after your undergraduate feel that you still want to
know more about your subject, these are the reasons to do a masters.
There are two main tips I would give to anymore wanting to continue into postgraduate
education. Firstly, I would say don’t be scared about how much work it takes to succeed, just
enjoy how much you love to learn and that will carry you through the trickier times.
My biggest tip is to not rush things. I didn’t rush into deciding to complete a masters, I took
a year to think about it, this was the best decision because there was no doubt in my mind
that it was what I wanted to do. I also took my time when applying for a PhD. It is a big
decision to commit to something for the next 3-4 years of your life, so I made sure I did my
research and found a PhD that I knew would suit me. Take your time because life is long.
How did Ashmole help you reach your goals?
Ashmole gave me the opportunity to complete my Maths GCSE a year earlier, I completed it
in Year 10. This helped me so much as I was able to dedicate more time to my other GCSE’s
and A Levels. It also gave me the confidence to believe in my ability and fulfil my dreams of
going onto study Maths at a higher level. My Maths teachers were always extremely
encouraging and pushed me in a way that made me realise I had a gift for Maths.
Anything else you would like to tell us about yourself.
I am a member of the Hertfordshire Showband, a local marching band. I learnt how to play
the drums and now take part in parades locally, and internationally. In 2022 we will be
competing in the World Music Contest!
I am also very passionate about the environment. I am hoping that by completing a PhD
linked to the environmental sector I will hopefully one day be able to play a bigger part of
the fight against climate change. I have helped my current company become paperless,
which was a huge accomplishment for us. I aim to
Please write a quote that sums up your experience at Ashmole.
"Ashmole always challenged and pushed me to believe and achieve what I was capable of."