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Travel Plan

A School Travel Plan sets out a package of measure for reducing the number of car trips made by parents and staff and for improving safety on the school journey. Ashmole’s Travel Plan aims to:

  1. Reduce the number of staff travelling to and from school by car;
  2. Reduce the number of students travelling to and from school by car;
  3. Increase the number of staff and students travelling by bicycle;
  4. Increase the numbers of staff and students walking;
  5. Improve road safety for the students’ journey to / from school; and
  6. Raise awareness of the need for a healthy life style and awareness of the implications on the environment of the present use of cars in our environment.

Sustainable travel plans have wider benefits for a local area than simply improving access to schools and education. Enabling the increased use of sustainable modes of travel such as walking, cycling and the use of public transport has environmental benefits in reducing levels of noise, congestion and poor air quality - the latter of which children are particularly at risk to.

Ashmole Academy is committed to reducing car use and increasing sustainable travel and has achieved the Silver STARS accreditation from TfL (see Travel Plan below).

The following websites can tell you more about sustainable travel: