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sixth form

Kieran - University of Warwick, Management



Date attended Ashmole:  2004 - 2011

A Levels:   Maths, Geography, Business Studies, Further Maths (AS-Level), ICT (AS-Level)

University:  University of Warwick

Course:   Management




What are you doing now?

I am currently a Business Consultant at NTT Data UK, helping clients deliver their technology transformations.  I help our clients understand the business implications of the technology they are trying to implement throughout their organisations.

What did/do you get involved with at university?

I was involved with the Krisna Consciousness Society, where I attended most events during my first and second year.  In my third year, I became Treasurer of the Society managing the funds, acquiring grants from the university and helping organise events.

I also had a job at the university student calling team through my second and third year.  In my second year I was a caller, calling alumni asking them to donate to the university’s programmes.  In the third year I became a supervisor and managed the other callers.

What did you find most valuable about your experiences at Ashmole Academy? What skills did it help you to develop?

Support, advice and guidance no matter what I decided to do.  When I decided that Oxbridge wasn’t for me, Ashmole were really supportive of my decision and helped me fulfil my ambition of going to Warwick.

One of the key things that I learnt at Ashmole were the core skills which have served me well in whatever job or role I have done so far in my career.  This goes from Core Maths and English skills to dealing with people at work.

Which Programme/s did you get involved in during 6th Form e.g. MedSoc, Oxbridge? other:

I was part of the Gifted and Talented Programme, which supported my university application and gave me the ability to work closely with other talented students in my year.

What top tips would you give to other students wishing to follow a similar career to yours?

Don’t be afraid to try a job that doesn’t 100% match what you think you want to do.  Often, the jobs, which aren’t directly what you want to do, are the ones where you learn the most.  I started out in a sales job, which I didn’t really want to do.  However, that job and experience taught me invaluable lessons about working with people and persuading people with your ideas.  Don’t be afraid to try something new.

How did Ashmole help you reach your goals?

Ashmole supported me greatly in my university application process, helping both with expectations about university as well my personal statement.

I know I was extremely lucky to have teachers at Ashmole who cared about my ambitions and what I wanted to learn and develop. Many of my teachers also taught me about a lot more than just the subject, they were teaching important life lessons and tools to keep learning.

Anything else you would like to tell us about yourself.

I have benefited from both being a mentor and being a mentee. I would recommend having a mentor who you can talk to about anything. This could be a friend, family member or peer.  I have also recently launched my own YouTube channel making my own vlogs, check it out.

Please write a quote that sums up your experience at Ashmole.

Ashmole taught me to be a better student, friend and colleague’.