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sixth form

Jon - University of Sheffield, Urban Studies and Planning



Date attended Ashmole:   2002 - 2009

A Levels:  Geography, Maths, Graphics, Biology

University:   Sheffield

Course:   Urban Studies and Planning






What are you doing now?

I currently work as a Town Planning Consultant, advising clients on opportunities for developing various large-scale residential and industrial sites across the southeast of England.  It is particularly motivating to play an important role in the development process, which shapes the cities within which we live, as well as helping to build much needed schools, homes and places to work.

What did/do you get involved with at university?

I was mainly involved with the Planning Society, which provided many opportunities to socialise with other students in the department.  I was also lucky enough to spend a semester abroad as an exchange student in Denmark.

What did you find most valuable about your experiences at Ashmole Academy? What skills did it help you to develop?

The most valuable experiences during Sixth Form were the Geography and Biology field trips to Juniper Hall in Surrey, allowing me to put the theories into practice outside of the classroom.

Which Programme/s did you get involved in during 6th Form e.g. MedSoc, Oxbridge? other:

During Sixth Form, I was involved in the Spinney Conservation Group, which sought to clean up and ensure the long-term environmental well-being of the spinney between the playing fields.

What top tips would you give to other students wishing to follow a similar career to yours?

The planning and development industry is vast and varied.  Whether you are interested in transport, renewable energy or social housing, there are numerous degrees or more vocational courses, which will allow you to develop your interest in the sector as well as set you up with the knowledge and skills required for a successful career.

How did Ashmole help you reach your goals?

Throughout my time at Ashmole, the teachers provided me with the support needed to achieve the best grades possible.  They genuinely care about the personal development of each individual student.  Specialist advice regarding careers and universities was also provided when needed.

Anything else you would like to tell us about yourself.

Whilst I enjoy staying active by cycling, running and rock climbing, I like to balance this out by eating all things unhealthy!

Please write a quote that sums up your experience at Ashmole.

"Ashmole provided an environment which allowed me to thrive and achieve my best, whilst having fun at the same time"