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Charity Events

Charities Committee

Every year, there are many Charity Events at Ashmole Academy, coordinated by the Student Voice Charities Committee.

The role of the Charities Committee is to raise awareness of issues around the globe and organise fundraising for charities on a local, national, and international scale.

Any student can join the charities committee and all staff, students and parents and carers within the Ashmole Community are encouraged to propose charities to support and participate in fundraising.

So far for 2024-2025 we have raised the following amount for the charities chosen by the Student Voice Charities Committee.




Money raised

Autumn Term 1

Children in Need

Non-Uniform Day



Great Ormond Street Hospital

‘Race for the Kids’


Autumn Term 2

Save the Children – Christmas Jumper Day


Spring Term 1

British Red Cross

Non-Uniform Day


Spring Term 2

Sport Relief

21 March 2025


Summer Term 1

Mental Health Awareness Week

Non-Uniform Day


Summer Term 2




Total so far

