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Maths Faculty


In Years 7, 8 and 9 students continue to build upon the main four areas studied at Key Stage 2 in their primary schools.  These are Numbers, Algebra, Geometry and Data Handling.  Students begin to apply their mathematical knowledge to a range of contexts.  In Years 10 and 11 students study the GCSE course, further developing their knowledge.  The majority of students will follow the Higher Tier work, expecting them to interpret and analyse problems and generate strategies to solve them.  At A Level, students further develop their algebraic and geometrical skills, but also study Statistics and Mechanics. The students who demonstrate exceptional skills or potential have the option to study A Level Further Maths, which allows students to study mathematical principles in considerable depth.

The mathematics curriculum at Ashmole Academy is underpinned by 5 subject specific curriculum pillars:

These pillars make clear how to make progress in Maths, including the knowledge and skills that are developed over time. The pillars are referred to in every lesson, enabling students to link new learning to what they already know and can do.


The faculty organises a range of clubs, including a Chess Club and a Gifted and Talented Club. Students participate in the UK Maths Challenge at Junior, Intermediate and Senior level.  A select number of students will also go onto compete in the Team Challenge.