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Home Learning

Home Learning

Home learning is a key contributor to a student’s academic success, helping them to engage more effectively in future lessons or consolidate skills and knowledge they have gained during a lesson. Home learning also develops key skills such as reflection, endeavour, independence and organisation.

Q: What sort of tasks will my child be set?

Typically, students will be asked to complete one of the following activities by their teachers:

Q: How much time will my child need to spend on their home learning?

Home learning tasks are set with the following fortnightly frequency:

KS5 - 3 hours per teacher per fortnight.

Q: How will home learning be set?

Home learning is set on Google Classroom. Students have an individual login to the Google products and will have explicit instruction on how to use and manage their Google Classroom. The main lists each of their classes and any upcoming deadlines they have. Use this page with them to review their home learning and help them to organise themselves.  

Q: How will home learning be reviewed?

Home learning is reviewed in a variety of ways: it may be given teacher feedback indicating what a student has done well and what they may need to improve; as an activity in a lesson to check understanding; to enable a student to contribute more effectively to an oracy activity in a lesson or an electronic check of a student’s ability to apply ideas to a new question or scenario.

Students are regularly acknowledged for excellent performance in their home learning using our values rewards and students’ work is often celebrated in lessons.

Q: What support is available for the completion of home learning?

If student have any questions about their home learning, they should speak to their class teacher either face to face or via Google Classroom. If they need additional support in doing this, they can contact someone in their pastoral team.

Tasks can be completed at home but also at school. The Library opens each morning at 8.05am and closes at 4.30pm as well as being open to students at lunch time. There are supervised lunchtime study rooms for students in KS3 and KS4 and subject leaders may organise before school, after school and lunch time study sessions to help students with their studies.  For students who need more specialist help with their learning, the curriculum support centre is open every break, lunch time and after school until 4.30pm to give more one to one attention for students who need that level of support.

Home learning is essential study and must be completed and we are grateful for the support of parents and carers in this. Students who fail to complete will be subject to sanction, including being requested to remain on site up until 4.30pm if necessary.

Q: My child has completed all of their home learning and is looking for further information and activities, where can they find such resources?

The school has a leaning resource for each year group on Google Sites. The pages are organised by subject and contain information about the curriculum, home learning, revision and super-curricular learning. Students can also speak to their teachers about any additional guidance they may need.