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Work Experience ​​​​​​​

All students in Year 10 complete a full week’s work experience in the Summer Term. The vast majority of our students find their own placements and enjoy experiences in a wide range of businesses and industries including placements in engineering, education, publishing, retail, the civil service, NHS and IT.  Students record, reflect upon and share their experiences later in the summer term. 

"My work experience in Year 10 was with Lyall Bills & Young Architects, a very small architectural firm having only 5 or so employees. It was a great experience for me to decide whether to follow architecture or not as it showed me aspects of the job I had never thought of, like visiting sites, such as when we went to a Birmingham school up for renovation. I was also taught the basic skills on AutoCAD, the most used 3D-design software in architecture, which is very useful for the future as well as my current Product Design coursework. 

It was a great experience and I now have connections and contacts I can use to talk to larger companies, such as recently when I contacted a company to secure work experiences for the summer of this year."

“For my Year 10 work experience I was able to go to the Business Design centre, which is located in Islington London, where I was able to not only understand how the business runs as a whole but to understand the multiple departments within a business. It enabled me to recognise key features that employers look for in a person, which is hard-working but also have good social skills, to talk to clients for the events taking place at the centre and to even talking to clients in accounting. I overall, really enjoyed the placement as it helped to know what jobs I could possibly consider in the future, by having that independence for a week.”

“For me, when looking for work experience, I looked for placements that I knew I would be interested in as this is key to having a successful week of work experience. I looked online for places that offer working with younger children either in education or areas surrounding child development. With support from Ashmole, I eventually found a placement in Primary education, at Brunswick Park, a local primary school near me.  I thoroughly enjoyed getting an insight into the atmosphere of working in a primary school, understanding the different methods of teaching, and getting to know lots of the children and finding out about how they were getting on in year 4. Throughout my experience working at Brunswick Park, I gained confidence with my social skills, but also developed patience, especially when helping the students with particular work. My week spent at Brunswick Park made me feel much more positive about possible future plans with working in primary education, and I would highly recommend this experience if you have similar interests to me.”